Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mia's Fashion Show

It is so much fun having a little Princess to dress up.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Mom & Dad

I LOVE my Mom & Dad. They are the best. They have given so much to all of us and I am very greatful for both of them.

Carrie's Baby Shower

Carrie Happy Mom to be

Me, Laurie, Aunt Vicki, Nicole, Mom, & Megan
Nicole & Mom

Alli, Carrie, & Tara

Vicki & Mom
(Don't they look so happy! haha)

My cute cousin Carrie is having a boy! My Aunt Allison threw her a great shower. It was fun to see family and catch up on what everyone is up to. Congrats Carrie

Scary Story

I had the scariest thing happen to me the day before Thanksgiving. I was at work and went into a grand Mal seizure! I was lucky to have Dr. Vaas and Jen there in the treatment room with me. I guess I just started seizing and they called 911. I came to with the paramedic in my face asking if I knew who I was, I didn't. I was put in the ambulance and they started and IV, the first one my vein blew, so he placed another one, after that I passed out again. When I came to, I was in the E.R. I had bit my tounge so hard that even today it is sore. Just about every muscle in my body is sore as well. I had a CT scan and they found a spot on my brain. My next step was an MRI. It has been just over a week and I still have bruises on my hands. I have to go see a neurologist this coming week, and have another test an EEG. I can't drive or work until the Doctor's clear me. I was so scared. It is hard to not be able to drive my self any where. I am sure I will be fine, but now I have to wonder if it will happen again, and if it does where I will be. I hate that feeling.

Easton & Saddie's Visit

I was so glad to have Easton & Saddie visit. We had so much fun. Easton and Troy are two peas in a pod with the love of cars that they share, and Saddie and I loved to spend time coloring.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome Hayden!!!

Hayden was born on Nov 18th. She and Megan were able to come home yesterday. She is so precious. I am glad She and Megan are doing well.


Maddie was a "Princess Vampire", Macie was a "Princess Pirate", and Hadley was a witch. They were so cute.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Snow Fall

"You guys want to go play in the snow!"


What is he "Pointing" at?

"Let me in I'm cold!"

I don't know who was more excited about the snow Me, or Remi. Gunner didn't really care and Mia wanted back inside quick.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mia's Gift from Emma

Yesterday morning Troy was riding up to Chad & Kim's cabin and he and Emma were in the back seat. She asked if Mia misses her. Troy said yes she does. So Emma told Troy that while he was working on the cabin she would make a bracelet for Mia. When Troy and Chad came back down the mountain Emma handed Troy a red braided bracelet small enough for Mia. Cutest thing ever! She really wanted to make sure it fit her. So here you go Em, it is PERFECT.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Congrats Misti!!!

Good Shot Misti, I am not sure who is more excited Marshall or you. He is so proud! Nice deer.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Funny Story

The other night we were trying to decide on a movie to watch. I wanted to watch something with horses in it. So I chose The Horse Whisperer. I was happy, horses and Robert Redford, (one of my top 10). We get into the movie about half way and I could tell Troy was getting bored. He started saying Robert Redford is gay. I freaked out!!!!! He was commenting on how his hair is perfectly feathered and his clothes match. He said cowboy's don't match and he was matching. He teased me for about and hour, and each minute longer I was getting more and more upset! So I figured I would get my mom in on this one and called her. She wasn't there so I asked Haily to back me up. She said oh yeah he is gay. WHAT! I said, she said yeah he did that thing with the hamster. Duh I said that is Richard Gere. Then I had to explain Robert Redford to her. She finally remembered wh0 he was and backed me up. We were all laughing so hard. Troy thought it was the funniest thing. Later on as we were getting ready for bed, he said "Well I don't have to do sit ups for a couple of days. I asked when did you start doing sit ups? He goes, tonight! Then we were laughing again. It was so funny. I hate it when he teases my like that because he won't stop! He knows if he just keep pushing it will make me mad.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Prince

Have you ever heard that dogs help heal the sick? I absolutely agree with this statement. Bless his heart Gunner always knows when I need him. 5 years ago when I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus I was devastated. At least I had an answer to all the pain and tiredness. I knew my life would be changing, along with my abilities. Some days are better than others. There are days when I can barely walk, or hold a pen. Today was one of these days, and Gunner has not left my side. He leans on me so I know he is there. He truly is a best friend. Remi and Mia are not that in tune with me but they still know. I just wanted to give my Prince some credit. I love you Gunner!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It is finally here! Shark week is on discovery and I am so happy. As most of you know I am obsessed with sharks, so much that I had one permanently added to my back. My TiVo is set every night so I don't miss anything

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. EVERYBODY PLAY! I want to see what memories you have!!

Sisters and Best Friends

I am so greatful for my sisters. They are not only beautiful, but great mothers, and friends. After all the fighting we did when we were younger, it was all worth it to get to where we are now. We are going to miss Haily when she moves to St. Louis in Sept. She is such an inspiration to me. Megan and her huge amount of energy that I would love to have for one day. I also can't forget my other two sisters Misti,and Nicole. Thank you both for making my precious brothers happy! I love you all.

A Dog Pack

Look once, look twice. Maestro & Mia love each other. Of course Mia has to pose.
Seven wasn't sure about the whole picture thing
I think we all wore Tiki out, she fell asleep on the couch.

Saturday night Jen & David, Justin & Sabrina came over for a good time. Jen and David brought thier 3 dogs Tiki, Seven, & Maestro. We all had a blast and lost track of time. The dogs had a great time as well. So we had all six dogd running around the back yard it was wild.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Water Play


Remi and his favorite toy
No wonder our lawn looks like it doesn't get watered.

At our house there are not little kids running around, but there is plenty of action. These three spoiled Canines keep us happy. Remi loves the water. If the sprinklers are on or the hose he freeks out. He will find the smallest amount of water and will make a mess. Gunner will tolerate it, but would rather swim, and Mia wont go near it, unless it is a bath. They make me laugh. I love my "kids".

Friday, July 4, 2008

Daddy Daughter Day

Troy and Tiff went fishing this morning. Tiff was the only one to catch a small trout, she was very excited.

Hadlie turns 2!!!!

We had a fun birthday party for Hadlie, she was very happy to see everyone and to have us all sing happy birthday to her.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swimming Fun

Megan & Avery




Hadlie, Macie, Maddie, & Sadie

We are so lucky to be able to spend time together. All the little cousins got together to swim for the afternoon. It was Avery's first day at the pool. The twins are little fish, Sadie of course was Ariel. Easton, Hadlie, and Kennedy hung out on the steps. It was alot of fun.